How we designed Daily30+ and what it contains

ZOE members have often found it challenging to eat more fibre and a greater range of plants. Juggling work, childcare, social commitments and the strains of modern life can all get in the way.

Plus, making whole plants taste delicious can take practice.

So, ZOE’s scientists have designed a new product, a revolutionary wholefood supplement to help you eat more plants.

Now you can add a scoop of ZOE science to your daily diet. 

Wave goodbye to ultra-processed bars, shakes and pills, and say hello to Daily30+

Daily30+ isn’t a replacement for a healthy diet. But, with a delicious selection of plants in every scoop, it will help you add diversity and boost your daily fibre intake.

Below, we explain why we designed the product, what goes into Daily30+ and how we decided which plants to include. 

Along the way, we hear from Dr Federica Amati, ZOE’s head nutritionist and one of the experts behind the supplement.

What is Daily30+?

Developed by ZOE scientists, Daily30+ is a plant-based wholefood supplement that makes any meal smarter.

It’s a delicious blend of plants and functional fungi that we know are great for health. Each scoop has nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, vegetables and more.

Importantly, these ingredients are minimally processed, so they retain their food matrix.

Daily30+ is high in fibre and a source of omega-3s and plant protein. It’s also naturally rich in copper, which helps contribute to energy.

‘Poor diet is the leading factor for 1 in 5 deaths globally’, Federica explains. ‘Some of the main factors that drive this are a low intake of whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables, and crucially, a diet low in fibre.’

‘Daily30+ helps address these shortfalls. It contributes to your intake of fibre, a macronutrient that 9 out of 10 of us are deficient in.’

‘Importantly, we wanted to make sure we maintained the food matrix. So, rather than all of the ingredients being finely powdered, the nuts and seeds are “nibbed”, which just means “cut.” This allows your body to process foods as you would when eating them whole.’

Next, we’ll dive into the individual ingredients. But first, we need to add an important caveat: 

As a science-first company, we chose our ingredients based on scientific research. Below, we present some of the evidence that helped inform our selection.

But the ingredients in combination may work differently than they do individually. So, we conducted a randomised clinical trial to measure the effects of our blend.

We found that when participants used Daily30+ every day, their ZOE gut microbiome scores increased in just 6 weeks. 

Participants’ digestive health and energy* levels improved, and they reported reduced hunger. Plus, they found Daily30+ easy to add to their usual meals. 

You can learn more about the study here.

Seed selection

Daily30+ contains five types of seeds:

  • flaxseeds

  • pumpkin seeds

  • hemp seeds

  • grape seeds

  • sunflower seeds

  • chia seeds

Overall, there seems to be a positive relationship between eating nuts and seeds and having a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Pumpkin and hemp seeds contain plant compounds called phytosterols, which some research suggests may help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range. 

In one study, researchers found that consuming 65 grams of pumpkin seeds with a meal helped support glucose metabolism. However, scientists need more long-term studies to confirm this relationship (and 65 g is a lot of seeds to eat in one go). 

Grape seeds contain flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, both of which are polyphenols with antioxidant properties.


Flaxseed is a great source of fibre and an important omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). It also contains lignans, a type of polyphenol that supports gut health by feeding your gut bacteria.

There’s some evidence that flaxseed may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and therefore might support cardiovascular health.

High intakes of flaxseed are also linked to reduced blood sugar responses after meals in people with type 2 diabetes.

And some research suggests that flaxseed may improve menopause symptoms, but the evidence isn’t conclusive. 


Daily30+ contains three nuts:

  • almonds

  • walnuts

  • hazelnuts

Nuts are a great source of fibre, poly- and mono-unsaturated fatty acids, and plant compounds, such as phytosterols and phenolics (a type of polyphenol).

‘Nuts and seeds also contain plant protein, which we know is better for us than animal protein’, Federica explains.

‘Daily30+ contains a variety of amino acids in different concentrations that can contribute to your high-quality plant protein intake.’ 

As we mentioned earlier, there’s growing evidence that consuming more nuts in general may lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Concerning specific nuts, some evidence suggests that almonds can benefit your gut health by influencing the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the gut.

SCFAs are produced by gut bacteria as they digest fibre and support gut and overall health. However, scientists need more research to confirm these links between almonds and SCFAs. 

Red lentil flakes

Red lentils are a rich source of fibre. Some research suggests that they may help improve blood sugar responses after meals.

Baobab fruit pulp

Baobab trees are native to Madagascar, mainland Africa and Australia. Their fruits, which are a source of polyphenols, have a tart, citrusy flavour.  

Some scientists believe that these fruits could help improve the diet quality of thousands of people in Africa. 

Chicory root inulin

Chicory root inulin is another source of fibre, which helps feed your gut bacteria.

There’s good evidence that chicory root inulin specifically promotes certain ‘good’ bacteria, including Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii.

Because different types of bacteria thrive on different forms of fibre, eating a wide variety of fibre-containing foods is important to support a healthy gut microbiome.

Nutritional yeast flakes

Nutritional yeast is a deactivated, or dead, form of yeast. It’s a good source of B vitamins and fibre. Importantly, it’s also a great source of veggie B12. 

Nutritional yeast provides a delicious umami punch.

Puffed quinoa

Puffed quinoa is a whole grain and another good source of fibre and protein. It also adds more spice and texture.

Herbs and spices

Herbs and spices add zing to your meals, but they also increase your plant count and contain high levels of polyphenols.

Daily30+ includes:

  • parsley

  • thyme

  • rosemary

  • turmeric

  • cumin 

Studies of spice and herb mixes containing some of these ingredients suggest that they might alter the gut microbiome in a way that’s beneficial. 

‘We added a spice mix from the so-called Singapore study’, explains Federica. ‘This study showed that there was a measurable improvement in microbiome composition in just 2 days.’

Some studies in people at risk of cardiometabolic diseases found that consuming spices is linked with markers of good health, such as improved blood pressure and reduced inflammation.


Buckthorn contains vitamins, carotenoids, polyphenols, healthy fatty acids and phytosterols. 

While scientists need to do more research into buckthorn’s health benefits, it appears to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Beetroot flakes

Beetroot is a source of fibre, antioxidants, polyphenols and nitrates.

Scientists have investigated whether nitrates from plant sources might help reduce blood pressure. While some research suggests that they do, not all studies agree.

Carrot flakes

The main polyphenol in carrots is called chlorogenic acid. 

Research shows that a daily dose of chlorogenic acid (as a supplement) can reduce fasting blood glucose, improve glucose tolerance, support weight loss or prevent weight gain, and improve blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.


Currently, there’s a great deal of scientific interest in the health benefits of fungi

Not only are they highly nutritious and rich in fibre, there’s growing evidence that regularly consuming mushrooms is associated with a lower risk of cancer.

Daily30+ contains no fewer than seven types of mushroom:

  • lion’s mane

  • reishi

  • chaga

  • shiitake

  • cordyceps

  • maitake

  • white mushroom

  • tremella


Garlic contains a variety of compounds that research shows can improve cardiovascular disease risk factors, including cholesterol levels, fasting blood glucose, and blood pressure. 

The take-home

Here at ZOE, we’re incredibly proud of this groundbreaking wholefood supplement.

Not only is there good scientific evidence behind our choice of ingredients, we’ve also run a randomised controlled trial to show that Daily30+ works. 

It’s a deliciously science-y addition to a wide range of meals – particularly savoury ones.

‘The point of the product is to benefit everyone and to enhance the enjoyment of food’, Federica says, ‘so it covers what many people are lacking in their diet.'

'And unlike some products that contain 1,000% of your daily recommended dose of some vitamins, in Daily30+, no nutrients are present in excess, because they’re all from whole foods.’

‘It’s not a replacement for good nutrition, it’s a dietary enhancer, or complement. We’re helping people reengage with their food culture by adding this to a dish to improve its taste and texture.’

So, if you’d like to add more diversity to your diet, Daily30+ might be the helping hand you need.

We hope you’ll try it, and we’re confident you’ll love it.

*Naturally high in copper which contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism and the normal function of the immune system