Join the ZOE revolution: A letter from Prof. Tim Spector
Every January, millions of people rush to make their New Year's resolutions.
Give up alcohol and sugar. Stop snacking. Try the latest fad diet. The list goes on.
Despite the fact that 80% of those resolutions will be given up by February, many of us can’t help but feel inspired by the promise of self-improvement. The New Year is an invitation for change.
The problem is not in setting our goals, but our approach to achieving them. So often, resolutions create an all-or-nothing mentality that leads to the “last supper effect.”
We set blanket restrictions and attempt complete overhauls, although research has shown attaching small positive habits to existing behaviors is the best way to create lasting changes.
At ZOE, our studies show there is no one-size-fits-all equation for health. That’s why we are revolutionizing scientific research with the world’s largest nutrition-science study. Our aim: To put the science into your hands so you can discover the best way to eat for life.
The assumption we are all identical is the most prevalent and dangerous myth about food. Beyond our physical responses to food, the relationship we form with our body and how we eat is entirely unique as well.
That’s why this New Year, we have a radical proposal: Don’t start your resolution. Instead, join us for the revolution — whatever that may look like for you.
Commit to learning about your own body and its unique needs. Dare to stop counting your calories. Understand the potential of food to improve your health, and empower yourself with the facts.
This isn’t a goal to be achieved in 365 days. This is health, for life. Welcome to the ZOE nutrition revolution.
To all our friends in the U.K., we're working hard to make ZOE available to you this year. Join our waiting list.